DSFT hair transplant 1200 Grafts

This patient was having recession of hairline and thinning of the hair in the transition zone. The patient was a professional model and wanted to participate in an international modelling competition. The major concern was down time as his shoots were lined up which he could not afford to miss. Another area of concern was his exercise which he could not discontinue. Salman wanted three things from us. First a procedure without shaving of the head where he could resume his exercise in less than a weeks time. Second he wanted us to take care of the current thing which was going on behind the receded hairline. Thirdly he wanted to get a totally undetectable hairline as he goes into modelling and obviously close up pictures would be the need of the hour.

After a thorough discussion we decided to go for 1000 DSFT grafts, which is the most advanced version of FUE technique.  The surgery was performed without shaving off the head completely in the donor area. No hair were shaved in the recipient area and it was nicely merged with the existing hair. The patient recovered in just a few days and started doing his exercises within a weeks time. Simultaneously one session of PRP was done at the time of surgery to take care of the existing hair. The four-month picture shows significant improvement and very natural looking hairline. The non-transplanted area was also showing Improvement in density and thickness. The eight month pictures show a total transformation and the hairline looks absolutely stunning, beautiful and impeccable.

The patient actually went on to win that big modelling pageant next year and Nobody came to know about his hair transplantation even close cameras could not catch the transplant. We believe that people who look for perfection and for whom looks matter have to make a correct and informed decision.

On the same note we would like to highlight that this patient had consulted many other clinics before coming to us and was told to undergo 2500 grafts everywhere.

That is why people say that at Satya you get science with Art and honesty, which is a rare combination and a valuable one to have. We were so happy to be part of this patient’s journey to his stardom.

Patient was not given finasteride or minoxidil. He was just put on some multivitamins. Even after 6 years into hair transplant, he is maintaining his hair pretty well. And that’s for sure that not every patient needs finasteride, which is blindly prescribed to every single hair transplant case. As we know the medicine can have side effects & should not be just bombarded on every patient to hide the inferior work & fake promised numbers of grafts. Sometimes more than you, it is the hair transplant clinic which needs to give you the medicine. People think these are actual hair transplant results while they are majorly boosted by finasteride.

Pre OP

5 Months Post OP

7 Months Post OP

Final DSFT hair transplant 1200 Grafts